Evan Lindberg as Zorastro in Opera McGill's 2022 production of Handel's 'Orlando'


Known for his versatility, sensitivity, and captivating storytelling, Evan Lindberg is a Canadian lyric bass-baritone equally at home in the realms of opera, art song, early music, and contemporary music. Evan recently completed his master’s degree at McGill University, and holds a Bachelor of Music from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music.

In the summer of 2024, Evan will join the Interplay residency at the Banff Centre for the Arts, focusing on the intersection of contemporary opera and chamber music. While there, Evan will sing the role of Oz (Indians on Vacation) in a contemporary production by Ian Cusson & Royce Vavrek, adapted from the original Thomas King novel. In August, Evan will join the Highlands Opera Studio, where he will perform the role of Basilio (Il barbiere di Siviglia). 

In the summer of 2023, Evan attended the Franz Schubert-Institut in Baden bei Wien, where his mentors included Elly Ameling, Robert Holl, Julius Drake, Michael McMahon, and Helmut Deutsch. In 2022, Evan was a vocal fellow at the Toronto Summer Music Festival, working closely on art song repertoire with Wolfram Rieger, Benjamin Appl, and Steven Philcox. In addition, Evan completed a six week vocal fellowship with the Lunenburg Academy of Music, and has also been an emerging artist with the Lachine International Vocal Adademy, Opera Nuova, & Opera on the Avalon. During these residencies, Evan had the opportunity to be guided by mentors such as Jane Archibald, François Le Roux, Liz Upchurch, and Wolfgang Holzmair. 

During his time with Opera McGill, Evan performed the roles of Leporello (Don Giovanni), Zoroastro (Orlando), Ormonte (Partenope), and Leonato (Much Ado - workshop). He also took part in a digital opera collaboration between Opera McGill and Tapestry Opera, portraying roles in The Rape of Artemisia & What Rhymes With Azimuth. During his undergrad at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music, Evan performed the roles of Don Alfonso (Così fan tutte) and Bottom (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) with the Oberlin Opera Theatre. In addition, Evan took part in a workshop of the role of Father in a contemporary opera (Beasts of The Bungalow) by the Brooklyn-based composer Rachel J. Peters and the Alberta-born librettist Royce Vavrek.

Recent concert soloist highlights include Brahms’ Ein deutsches Requiem with Montréal’s ‘Cantabile Chorale & Orchestra’ in 2024, as well as ‘L’écurie de Montréal’s arrangements of Handel’s Messiah.

As a keen interpreter of song repertoire, Evan was a member of McGill University’s Song Interpretation ensemble, where he performed various song cycles, including Beethoven’s An die fern Geliebte and Ropartz’s Quatre Poèmes de l’intermezzo. In 2018, Evan performed a program of works by Othmar Schoek, Charles Ives, and Franz Schubert, at the Institute for European Studies in Vienna.

When Evan is not performing, he enjoys curling up with a cup of tea and a good book, taking a stroll through Montreal’s botanical gardens, and going to see live theatre!